Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Tossing Time Again

We have been in our new home for nearly 6 months. In a few short months we went from 900 sq ft to 800 sq ft and then to 1550 sq ft. The final move was so exciting, almost like moving into a mansion with all of this fantastic space. However, it also has somehow caused our "stuff" to increase. Slowly our extra space is diminishing. As I look around I wonder how on earth we fit all of this stuff in our previous home. It's definitely time to get back to declutter mode. I don’t know about you, but too much stuff around makes me grumpy, full of anxiety and extremely stressed out.

 It was around this time last year that I was blogging about my, Operation Declutter, to rid our home of 500lbs of clutter. I didn't quite meet this goal but I did make a huge dent, and it felt amazingly better. I'm brushing off my declutter skills and attacking our house before it gets too far out of control. I'm not sure if I'll be weighing the clutter this time (I don't have a scale). I do plan to start in the very top corner of the upstairs (my bathroom) and then work my way down to the very bottom opposite side of the downstairs (the bottom bathroom). I will be going through each and every drawer and closet to toss, toss, toss. 

Declutter Plan
  • To leave no drawer/closet/under bed untouched
  • Sort all items into one of four categories.
1.     Throw away
2.     Give away
3.     Sell
4.     Keep - Reorganize

This is one of the best times of year for me to get rid of a huge quantity of "stuff". Our church holds its annual Christmas in July Rummage Sale on the last Saturday of the month. This is the end of our Missionary Month where the focus is on the Missionaries that our church supports. All of the proceeds (except for the youth snack booth) are divided up and sent to our 10 Missionary Families. I will be donating some things there and also holding a garage sale of my own. I will also be selling some things online through Etsy, Amazon and eBay. 

Today is my starting day, and I'm hoping to just work work work and get this done in a couple of days and not drag it on. The longer it takes the less motivated I become. It also is the kids' summer vacation and I want them to enjoy their time off of school, we have only 4 short weeks left. 

And into the chaos I go....


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