Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Getting Ready for the Next School Year

This weekend I've been working on all of our lesson plans for the upcoming school year. We will start back in full swing on August 15th. I am almost finished with our Kindergarten plans through the end of September. I will post more on that later when I'm finished.

For Kiley and August's 8th grade year I have just finished the outline for their US History. I am not going to be using one main textbook this year because they are very limited in information and are pretty boring to read. I have not decided on all of the books we will use yet, but we will be utilizing our public library and the wonderful world of the internet. Here is the outline for this year, this is just the minimum that we must cover.

8th Grade US History

1.       End of 7th Grade Review and Magna Carta

2.       Declaration of Independence 1776

3.       Lincoln’s presidency: Gettysburg Address 1863, Emancipation Proclamation 1863, Inaugural address and second inaugural address 1865

4.       Lives of leaders and soldiers on both sides of the war. War Department General Order 143: Creation of the U.S. Colored Troops 1863.

5.       Developments and events in the war, General Lee’s surrender at Appomattox. Surrender of Fort Sumter via telegram 1861 Articles of Agreement – surrender of the Army of Northern 1865 Virginia.

6.       Reconstruction and effects on political and social structures of different regions.

7.       Wade-Davis Bill 1864

8.       13th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution: Abolition of Slavery 1865

9.       14th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution: Civil Rights  1868

10.   15th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution: Voting Rights  1870

11.   Dawes Act 1887

12.   Sherman Anti-Trust Act 1890

13.   Keating-Owen Child Labor Act 1916

14.   Inventors: Thomas Edison-Light Bulb 1880

15.   Articles of Confederation and the Constitution. Declaration of Independence 1776, Articles of Confederation 1777, Constitution of the US 1787

16.   Federalist Papers, No. 10 & No. 51  1787

17.   Powers of government set forth in Constitution, Fundamental liberties ensured by the Bill of Rights. Constitution of US 1777, Bill of Rights 1791

18.   Ordinances of 1785 and 1787.  Northwest Ordinance 1787

19.   Interstate Commerce Act 1887

20.   Alien and Sedition Acts 1789: conflicts between Thomas Jefferson and Alexander Hamilton/emergence of two political parties

21.   Basic law making process. Constitutional provision for citizens to participate in political process, monitoring and influence on government.

22.   US Physical Landscapes, political divisions and territorial expansion during terms of Washington, Adams, Jefferson, Madison. Louisiana Purchase Treaty 1803, Jefferson’s Secret Message to Congress – Lewis & Clark Expedition 1803,

23.   Washington’s 1st Inaugural Speech 1789, Washington’s Farewell Address 1796

24.   Rise of capitalism. Jackson’s opposition to the National Bank. McCulloch v Maryland 1819, Gibbons v. Ogden 1824

25.   Political and economic causes and consequences of the War of 1812, major battles, leaders and events. Treaty of Ghent 1814

26.   Influence of the Monroe Doctrine 1823, westward expansion, and Mexican American War. Andrew Jackson’s Message to Congress  'On Indian Removal'  1830, Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo 1848-

27.   Pacific Railway Act 1862

28.    Development of the agrarian economy in the South, significance of cotton and cotton gin. Patent for Cotton Gin 1794

29.   Election and presidency of Andrew Jackson (Lewis and Clark expedition and removal of Indians- Trail of Tears).

30.   Homestead Act  1862  Check for the Purchase of Alaska  1868

31.   Texas War for Independence, Mexican American War,(Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo 1848)

32.   Northwestern Ordinance 1787  in education, banning of slavery in Northern States

33.   Slavery issues and annexation of Texas and California’s admission to the union as a free state. Compromise of 1850

34.   State’s Rights Doctrine, Missouri Compromise 1820, Kansas Nebraska Act 1854, Dred Scott v Sanford 1857, Lincoln Douglas debates.

Doesn't that look like so much fun?


  1. The Abeka(KJ) and Landmark Freedom(KJ) 11th grade American history books list the churches that supported the Patriots during The War for Independence and the ones that supported the British. Most Baptists supported the Patriots, the Pope supported King George,etc. I did hear that the Bob Jones history books were good(rainbowresource,etc.). We mostly used Abeka for history. Some Abeka books we ordered through Christian Liberty Press.

  2. There's a book at answersingenesis called Remote Control by Carl Kerby. On pages 26-29 the author writes about Thomas Edison producing pro-evolution movies. He mentions a few but he did research on a 1915 film. I really liked this book. He writes about tv,movies and books.

  3. We enjoyed Christian Liberty Press's biographies of George Washington($7) and Jedediah Smith($7). We also found Juneteenth interesting. There's a story about Washington's only sister,Betty, on page 44.

  4. You're raising girls, why did you not include a single woman who shaped the United States?


  5. There will be women we are reading about in our literature novels. The outline I posted is the requirements given by our state. They have to take state tests.

  6. There are literature novels and then there are the truth--there are so many real, God-fearing women about which to teach your daughters and could be easily integrated into your curriculium.

    So many women did so much more and amazing things than just fiction novels could possibly show without losing one iota of her feminity or womanly dignity.

