Thursday, September 2, 2010


This is fun and a pain at the same time. It's fun looking at houses (some of them anyway). We have to move in about 4 weeks. I'm scheduled to have surgery in the middle of this. I'm trying to have our new place found and the majority of our old house packed before surgery. I don't know how long the recovery will take so I don't want to chance not being ready.

I'm taking the responsibility of packing and finding of the new house. Adam has been working SO much. We hardly even see him anymore. Our original plans went south so now we're onto plan B. I know God has something for us. I'm just not sure what we've seen is "it" yet. The kids all love going to look at empty houses and trying to pick which room would be theirs and where they would put their stuff. This does come with some disappointment when we have to tell them that we can't move there.

We are excited to be able to move to a larger home, but the town we're moving to is further from church. I don't like that so much. I'm praying that we will be able to find something in our town so we're not so far away. The new town will also be further from Adam's family but closer to my mom. I guess it's a 6 of 1 half a dozen of another.

I try to be as organized a packer as possible, this time I have a much better system. I'll post a separate post on my moving system after we've moved so I know exactly how it all worked out.

Please keep us in your prayers. We are losing a dear family member to age. It will be any day now. We will miss her a lot. I'm also asking for prayer for my upcoming plane flight and surgery. I'm nervous about both. Thank you so much.

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