Thursday, August 26, 2010

What's going on?

We have been so very busy this last month. We had church camping at the beginning. That was fun, but the place we went was very cold, so that was not so fun. Camping at the beach here is cold and overcast and drizzly, it's not Hawaii, or even Southern CA for that matter. The kids didn't mind the cold one bit. The picture above is of them all playing in the freezing ocean. Brrr.

The following week we took a 4 day family vacation to Lake Tahoe. It was beautiful. We really needed a relaxing break, especially Adam. He's been working so hard. He's been building two bathrooms at our Pastors house, so he goes over there to work for 5/6 hours after he gets done at his regular job. We've missed him, and he missed us so this vacation was just what the Dr. ordered. (pics soon)

We did find out just before leaving for Tahoe that we will be moving. We were ready for this news. I'm so ready for this but I will miss our tiny house. We had our babies here and it's the only house we've lived in together. It will be sad leaving all of our wonderful neighbors. The kids are sad to leave all of the friends, it really is a fabulous little neighborhood. We're looking for a new house quickly. Most homes in the area we are looking are Short Sales, and those can take months to close escrow. We were hoping to find a foreclosure or a straight sale, but there aren't as many to choose from. We will most likely have to move twice, because we wont have a new house before we have to leave this house. Packing is ready to begin. I am looking forward to being able to have two bathrooms, hopefully an additional bedroom and a garage. Yay! God is so good to us. He always knows exactly what we need.

This brings me to update on my declutter mission. I have not forgot about it, it's just been put on hold because we were so busy. I have (I think) about 150 more pounds to go. This mission is going to change slightly to a declutter as I pack mission. This should motivate me more because I don't want to move  all this stuff. Now I've really got to get it in gear. We will be moving by the first of October so I only have about 4/5 weeks to pack. One of those weeks we will be gone. I'm going to be flying across the country to have surgery done. So, please pray for me. I don't like flying or surgery. My mom is going to come with me, because we can't have Adam miss all that work. My in laws are going to take care of our children. Lucky Opa gets to homeschool for a few days. Ha! They should have fun, I hope.

More later. God bless and have a wonderful day!

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