Friday, April 9, 2010

Sweet Little Girls

This morning I woke up to the kisses and cuddles of two very sweet almost-4 year olds. I love waking up in the mornings. I always open my eyes to someones sweet kisses.

I am so grateful for the change God put in my heart nearly 3 years ago, from 50 hour a week working mom. To full time 24/7 Mommy, wife and now teacher.

I used to "think" I could never be a mommy at home, I now can't even imagine being away. I can't get enough of my children. I don't want to miss any of it. It's amazing how much joy children bring to your life. God has blessed me with the most amazing children, I surely don't deserve. And, a wonderful husband who walks through blizzards everyday to provide for us. I love my life. God is so good.

Lo, children [are] an heritage of the LORD: [and] the fruit of the womb [is his] reward. Psalm 127:3

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