Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Another Year Older. Emily & Julia are 4!

This Monday was Emily and Julia's 4th birthday. We had a party over the weekend with the family and a few close friends. On Monday, their actual birthday, we had a little girls tea party. Emily and Julia's favorite friend came over to help celebrate. All the girls dressed up in pretty dress-up dresses. We had tea (pink lemonade) and yummy snacks.

I felt I have neglected my children by not teaching them sooner that Red Vines can double as straws. They were very fascinated and excited by this. In my book this is a fact every child should know.

They received some wonderful gifts this year. I am always so grateful to everyone for their generosity. Two of our wonderful friends and their families bought us a year long pass for the Oakland Zoo. This is just awesome. We can go everyday if we want to. My in-laws bought the girls much needed bikes. I can't wait for Adam to do some maintenance on all of our bikes so we can go out riding together. They also received some MUCH NEEDED new dresses/skirts, along with some new toys.

Each time we go to Safeway the little girls like to go over to the bakery section to get a free cookie. They love to look at the cakes, especially the ones that look like princesses. My mom bought them each a princess cake. They were so very excited.

The Princess Cakes

Grandma and Auntie Kathryn

Opa, Auntie Amy and Grandpa

Uncle Chris and his girlfriend

Mimi and Emily

Adam and his mom "Oma"

The next photos are of the tea party we had on their birthday. We bought some china cups and saucers and cloth napkins at the thrift store. I got the cute tea pot from freecycle and we found the flowery fabric in our closet. They loved drinking from real tea cups.

Tea Party Table

The tea party girls

Red Vine straws

After tea the 3 little girls did a Princess craft

All finished!

They had a fabulous birthday. They loved it!

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