Saturday, May 12, 2012

Around here

School is just about done for the year. We officially have one more week. Kiley and August have completed most subjects. Their science is taking longer than expected so they will be working on that during their summer vacation until it’s finished. Their Science curriculum this year was a lot of fun! 8th grade is Advanced Physical Science; we used this kit by Exploration Education. I was pleasantly impressed with the kit. I’ll most likely be ordering from them again for Emily and Julia.

August has been working on making a quilt for herself. She has been working all week to get it finished up; she is planning on entering it into the county fair. Last year she did a smaller placemat sized quilt and got a 3rd place ribbon. She was a bit disappointed since she had worked so hard. She’s hoping for a better ribbon this time around. I have a couple pictures of her progress and I’ll be sure to share the finished project as soon as she’s done.

Emily and Julia have almost completed their reading book, after much struggle we ended up with “Teach Your Child to Read in 100 Easy Lessons”. This has been a magnificent book. I will most definitely, without a doubt, use it again if we ever have more children to teach to read. They are finishing Kindergarten and looking forward to being first graders. I have a lot of fascinating things planned for them for next year. They have very scientific/mathematical type brains and that is exciting.

The weather around here has been very warm, in the 80’s and 90’s. Last weekend Adam took opportunity to burn all of our dead brush in a fire pit in the yard. We are city kids; we grew up 25 minutes outside of San Francisco in a little Bay Area suburb. We now live father away in an area that’s more farming, agricultural.  Adam said he’d always wanted to have a fire pit in his backyard. This pit is temporary and will be moved to another location in our yard; still it was fun. The kids were all amazed by it all day long. This can definitely be added to the, how-to-keep-kids-entertained-all-day-without-TV list. Once it got dark, we burned up some scrap wood that was housing Black Widows and the kids made S’mores.

Speaking of Black Widows, we must have moved to the Black Widow capital of the world. There’s a TON here. Adam spends at least one evening a week searching them out and killing them. I have never seen so many in my life. The picture is of a HUGE lady we found under our wheelbarrow.

Emily is modeling the derby hat I made for my Mom. Our town was having a Derby stroll for women downtown that she was attending. I think it turned out great!

And this is Julia, trying on a hat at the store.

Adam has taken all the girls shopping and I’m home alone for a little while today. It’s so very quiet and I’m really not complaining.

Have a lovely Mother’s Day to all of the Mommy readers. 

1 comment:

  1. Hello, I have a blog called Pruning Princesses. It is about raising girls and I have a Google Alert set on the subject of raising girls which led me here. I enjoyed your post as we are thinking about homeschooling next year so curriculum choices are very interesting to me. You family is beautiful
