Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Can you spend 30 days away from social networking?

By much slothfulness the building decayeth; and through idleness of the hands the house droppeth through.
Ecclesiastes 10:18

I'm sure there are a lot of us out there who have the best of intentions when using social networks like Facebook and other forums. We want to share our lives with our families and friends. It starts off small and then eventually can spiral  into a huge time sucker. I have done it myself, I'll sit down for a minute to check my email, my "friends" updates and read a blog or two; suddenly it's been an hour or more, the kids have messed up the area that was just clean, I haven't showered yet and have to leave for music lessons in 30 minutes. ARGH!! 

I decided to take a 30 day social network fast. I started yesterday the 31st and will continue through February 29th. I will try to blog as I go, but I'm not promising anything. ;) 

I noticed yesterday I reached for my phone a few times without thinking to "check on my friends". I never made it onto the websites because I remembered I'm on a break. Seriously, has it become that much of a habit to want to know what a bunch of people had for lunch? How much can this be affecting my job as a mother, wife, teacher, homemaker?!? I have justified it in the past as needed some type of adult conversations during the day, but are these real conversations? Are they real interactions? It's void of much stimulation because there is no real relationship being built there, yet I can tell you what everyone had for dinner last night. Wouldn't it be better for me to prepare my home for my husband to return and then get my adult conversations from him? Or perhaps actually call someone on the phone? Who does that anymore? 

I'm fairly sure most of my "friends" from Facebook don't read my blog here when it's not posted to Facebook. I  guess that it's a good thing, so I can continue with my break. I've got to get off of the computer now, before I get sucked in. 


  1. I do! lol I have cancelled my fb account a few times when I thought I checked it too much. I think I am getting there again, everything you wrote is so true! The Bible warns women not to be busybodies and wondering from house to house..would that equate now to commenting from status update to state update? LOL Food for thought for me for sure.

  2. I do! lol I have cancelled my fb account a few times when I thought I checked it too much. I think I am getting there again, everything you wrote is so true! The Bible warns women not to be busybodies and wondering from house to house..would that equate now to commenting from status update to state update? LOL Food for thought for me for sure.

  3. I know how you feel Kimmie. I've debated getting rid of mine before but knew I would miss some people that otherwise I wouldn't be able to keep up with. So instead I deleted half of them that were just wasting my scrolling time lol. Now I can check up on only the people I cared about in the first place. That has suprisingly saved me a lot of time, that and I try to only go on before my daughter is up or during a nap etc. Okay I'll stop rambling.

  4. I too am another FB "friend" who reads here! Ha! ;)

    ...But what you write is so true. I cancelled my FB last year for a few months, because I quite simply got sick of reading vulgar status updates and other ladies whining about their husbands and children. It really was disheartening! I re-activated a little while ago, and am happy to stay like that for a while. Great post! :)
