Thursday, June 9, 2011

Recent Stuff

We are certainly enjoying the start of our summer vacation, a little too much perhaps. The girls and I have all been sleeping in a little extra and without all of the places we have to go during the week it's been nice to relax a little.

August just finished her quilting project. She and Kiley took quilting in 4H this year. She made a wall hanging with hexagons. She worked very hard on it, even staying up late at night to get it all done. She did a great job. Tomorrow we are dropping it off at the county fair grounds. She is hoping to win a ribbon, I think she has a good chance.

I received a wonderful housewarming gift in the mail this week. My sweet Mammy bought the KitchenAid Mixer I wanted. I really wanted the mixer in Ice color. It's gorgeous, cheery and sort of retro looking. I can't wait to try it out. Doesn't it look lovely?

In other news, I joined the gym with my Mama. We went down there last Sunday afternoon and signed up for a membership. It's only $10 a month and right around the corner from my house. We also got some personal training sessions, of which we've already done 2. The trainer, a very nice woman, was certainly sweet and easy our first session. By the second session she was tough and pushed us further than we thought we could go. It was wonderful and I'm feeling better. I am working on getting rid of about 35 lbs. It's been hanging around too long and it's starting to scare me. We have a history of heart related problems in my family and I need to get my body fat percentage down.

I also am in the middle of doing the Cabbage Soup Diet, where you make a cabbage soup, more like a veggie stew with cabbage. You can eat as much of it as you want for 7 days. Each day has another item you can eat along with the soup. It's meant to be a jump start type of program that helps to get rid of cravings for sugar and bad carbs, with the promise of some weight loss after. I'm hoping it will help gear me toward better healthier food choices and habits. I'm hoping with the gym and eating better that I can get rid of my extra 35 in the next year. So far I'm down 3.5 lbs.

Tomorrow the 10th is our 5th wedding anniversary. Our kids are all going to my Dad and Step-Mom's house for the night. We are planning on going out for sushi. It's been so long since we've had sushi, I am really looking forward to it, and some time alone.

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