Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Happy Birthday E & J

Our big 5 year olds.
We are officially the parents of 5 year old twin girls, for the second time. In case you missed that, the babies are FIVE YEARS OLD!! Turning 5 has been the buzz around here for a couple of months. I never realized what a huge deal it is to a 4 year old to turn 5. I don't recall the older kids being so excited to turn 5.

We've been hearing all about all the things that are going to happen when they turn 5. They will be as tall as their older sisters, they will be able to run faster, play soccer, participate in 4H projects,  start Kindergarten and of course learn how to tie shoes.  

Each and every morning for the last two weeks they have counted the days on the calendar to let me know how many more until they were 5. Their anticipation is adorable. It seemed the older ones were slightly annoyed with them, but we just had to remind them, they were just as silly when they were that age also. 

Their most desired gifts were Pillow Pets and girly Lego's , both of which they received. 

All last week we were very busy getting ready for the 5th birthday party. We had to finish painting the dining room and unpack the last couple of straggler boxes hanging around. There's nothing like an upcoming party to get you to finish a bunch of stuff around the house. 

Last Saturday we were surrounded by our family and friends and a ton of kids to help celebrate E and J's big milestone. We had a party at our house. It was our first gathering in our new home. It turned out great. It was so much easier to host a party here than it was at our old place. Our guests seemed to enjoy our backyard. Most of them stayed out there the whole time.

Emily and Julia picked out all of their own decorations and activities. We bought a bunch of bubbles at the dollar store along with noise makers (my husbands favorite, not!) and a pin the tail on the donkey game. They had a blast playing with all of the kids.

On their actual birthday, we let them choose most of the things they did all day. We took them out for breakfast and then we went to the store to spend some of the money they got. They were dying to get some tie up shoes. We had a bunch of free mini golf passes so we took them golfing for their first time. Instead of having cake again, we made root beer floats at home.

I'm working on (at my husbands suggestion) not being sad at the fact they are growing up, but just enjoying each stage as much as possible and looking forward to what is next. He's usually right and puts things into perspective so well.

Here are some pictures from the party:

Yay for Lego's

All 5 of our girlies

A few of our best friends and their babies

Pin the tail on the donkey

A, my mom and me

My dad and step-mom

My sister.
She's is now cancer free and on the road to recovery and very excited to be getting her hair back.

E and J!

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