Friday, April 29, 2011

Guard your Daughters

This is who our daughters' role models should be: 

SarahEven as Sara obeyed Abraham, calling him lord: whose daughters ye are, as long as ye do well, and are not afraid with any amazement. 1 Peter 3:6

Not this: (click the words for the link)
Disgusting, reprobate, blasphemous, satanic, devil worshipping thing

The aged women likewise, that they be in behaviour as becometh holiness, not false accusers, not given to much wine, teachers of good things; That they may teach the young women to be sober, to love their husbands, to love their childrenTo be discreet, chaste, keepers at home, good, obedient to their own husbands, that the word of God be not blasphemed.


  1. it took you this long to post something about her? Why the sudden interest in guarding your daughters from her. Did Lady Gaga recently do something to offend you?

    Do you not allow any of of your daughters to listen to her music? how do you control that?

  2. Our daughters don't have access to secular music outside of that which we can't control like the music playing in stores.

    They are taught which type of music is edifying to themselves and acceptable to God. They have no desire to listen to music that is unacceptable to God and their parents.

  3. Jeanne Warren HarveyMay 2, 2011 at 2:27 AM

    LOL everything Lady Gaga does offends me. Why would anyone listen to or allow their children to listen to her? The woman is clearly deranged. She wears meat for clothing, this is normal and acceptable? By who's standards? I dont understand why people have become so complacent that think this okay and defend it.
    She is a great role model however, a role model of what NOT to do and be.
    Wendy, why does Lady Gaga have to do anything to Kimmie's children for her to "suddenly" be offended? The woman wants to market perfume with scents of blood and semen.
    Anyone in their right mind knows she is a wack a doo.
    My children were raised without secular music. When they became teenagers and I heard the lyrics to songs I broke the tapes and threw them out. Their friends listened to same music they did, Christian praise and worship.
    I don't understand why Lady Gaga doesnt offend you but a woman trying to raise her daughters to be nice God loving true ladies does seem to offend you?
    It truly makes no sense. I think you just like argue and will defend anything that is contrary to what Kimmie says and believes.
    If you have such a problem with Kimmie's beliefs then why do you keep coming back here to read her every word? Yet another senseless act.
    Perhaps a life away from the internet would suit such a negative person far better.

  4. I guess kimmie never wanted to post my karaoke comment

    Oh Jeanne- I laugh because you obviously are so quick to judge Lady Gaga. Her music is not bad, but quite inspiring. She is not a fake act like what the generation today is normally inclined to listened to – Britney Spears, Katy Perry etc. Lady Gaga is her own person and stands up for equality and justice something that is quite amazing. I do admit that because Lady Gaga is so unique… some of her actions are quite obscure. I personally would not let my daughters by her perfume but I do allow them to listen to her music. The only music I don’t allow them to listen to is rap. To me, it is distasteful and degrading to women. Most of those rappers don’t give their money away the way lady gaga does. She is a philanthropist and that should be admired. My daughters know that in today’s society we are all equal and should be treated that way. I am not raising my daughters to hate homosexuals or any other person regarding their race. I know the old testament of the Bible talks about homosexuality being a sin, yet I tell my daughters to let God judge them. They do not need to be hated here on earth for a sin judged by God.

    I was wondering why all of a sudden Kimmie posted something about Lady Gaga not being a good influence. She has been around for a few years now and hasn’t done anything differently than what she is currently doing.

    I was in no way arguing with Kimmie but rather asking how does she control her music not listening to secular music. When I was a little girl my mother did not let me listen to Madonna. Yet, when I would spend the night at my friend’s house, we would listen to her music.
    You seem to be a little antagonistic. I will pray for you ☺

  5. LOL! You don't have any kids.

  6. Jeanne Warren HarveyMay 2, 2011 at 2:41 PM

    Wendy, How do you know Im quick to judge Lady Gaga? You state she's been around for a few years. If this is true what makes you think I judged her so quickly? Silly girl I've been watching this woman for these past few years and because her psychotic behavior and deep need for attention I have no choice but to conclude that she is in fact a whack a doo and that anyone who defends her crazy actions has to be one too.

    A meat dress? Really? Perfume with scents of semen and blood? Really? How can any sane person claim this is normal behavior. Oh its normal behavior alright for a person who serves Satan.
    I am a Christian woman who loves the Lord and I believe that a person either serves God or they serve Satan, there is no in between.
    What difference does it make to you when Kimmie posted about Lady Gaga? Would you suddenly be supportive of her opinion had she posted this 2 years ago? Its Kimmies blog, she can post whatever she wants whenever she wants. Im not sure why you are so critical of everything she says and does.
    Like I stated previously, you just like to argue and post anything contrary to what Kimmie says or believes.
    I feel that women should be supportive of eachother rather than tear eachother down and that if a person has nothing nice to say...say nothing at all.
    Also as previously stated, if you disagree with Kimmie so much why come to her blog? Why sign on so often? Why not be with your peers and like minded people? No matter what you post you arent going to change her mind or mine or anyone elses.
    And once more I will say, perhaps a life away from the internet would suit one with such a negative and controlling attitude much better.
    Live and let live...

  7. Haha so I was asked if I have been purposefully messing with you by commenting on your posts and I just want to make sure the record is set straight.
    Obviously, if I had something to say I would say it and not hide behind some fictitious name or anonymous. I don’t need to hide behind some false identity to spur reactions out of you nor do I have the time to be involved in this bs.
    I personally have no problem with this post. I personally like lady Gaga but I can understand why a religious mother of 12year olds would not want to idolize someone who represents equality and acceptance. It makes sense because several bible believers think women should act a certain way and especially not the way lady gaga portrays herself. Not everyone is going to like the same music/ artists so I don’t need to convince Kimmie to like Lady Gaga or secular music just as my mother can never convince me to like classical music (except Ludovico Einaudi. I can listen to him any day).

    But thanks for thinking I was stalking your blog. Haha. I am sure there are many others who don’t agree with your posts and choose to let it overpower their lives and discredit your way of life. By posting controversial topics you are only asking people to comment and express their disbelief. That is not/nor will be my intent. I recently only commented on your facebook regarding the birther post because it really was not making sense to me that people believed he was not a citizen because his father was not. I commented because it was a false statement from a very un-credible source choosing to get technical about his birth when in fact he is a citizen. I pray to God the media does not give birthers anymore airtime and gets over this Osama nonsense so we can start focusing on the real issues today… like where are biggie and tupac??? hahaha ( courtesy of the current president)

  8. Jeanne Warren HarveyMay 3, 2011 at 12:11 AM

    Something tells me Wendy won't be back anytime soon...just a hunch or maybe Im psychic...who knows?

  9. Jeanne Warren HarveyMay 3, 2011 at 3:45 AM

    Gabby aka G,
    Not sure why you de-friended me. I have never been nothing but nice to you and have accepted you not only as a family member but I have also accepted your opinions whether I agree or not.
    I have no problem with this as I have done nothing wrong nor have I given you a reason to delete me from your Facebook. However it makes me wonder why you would take your problem with Kimmie out on me.
    Either way I truly wish you the best.

  10. Gabby, I find it strange that would leave that comment.

    I never said anything like that.

  11. Kimmie- I never said you said the comment. Someone asked Chris who asked me if i had been anonymously messing with you on your blog. THAT is why I decided to clarify it. I think you and your mother really thought that was me posing as wendy due to your outrageous comments and your mothers sudden comments on the blog. But sorry to disappoint you. ... like i said, I have better things to do with my time than try to get a reaction out of you.

  12. I don't know why you would feel so led to say it's not you. I never said I thought it was you. I also don't understand why you chose this specific blog post or why you would think wendy is the one in question. I haven't given any details at all.

  13. I stated it to clarify the facts because SOMEONE ELSE thought I might be messing with you. Reading the way you and your mother responded to the comments left by wendy, or whoever that person is, seemed like you didn’t believe who he/she said they were and might have some conspiracy as to the identity of that person. Maybe you don’t think she/ he is who they say they are but I wanted to let you know it wasn’t me. I know you think I don’t like you, hence why u blocked me on facebook, but I just wanted to make sure no drama was going to start because of a faulty assumption on your part. That’s why I chose to clarify it. I really don’t think it has any relevance as to what blog I chose to clarify myself for you and for others. :)

  14. I'm really getting annoyed with this. I have the proof. Give it up already. Good grief.

  15. You don’t have to publish this on your page. I just want to say sorry I upset you. I didn’t think you would get so wound up about the comments. I was anonymously posting for a research assignment. I was going to send you the link once I finished it but I figured now would be a better time. For my research it was easiest to go to online blogs to get a sufficient amount of data. With your blog, as well as a few others, I decided to play devils advocate and cite arguments I tend to hear from others (no I don’t believe the chicken and the egg bullshit I posted, nor many of the other “arguments” I stated) and see what you had to say in response. It was supposed to be anonymous arguments I tend to hear about these issues. Yet no one I know is as traditional in your Christian values so I decided to anonymously post comments/ arguments to see your response --** purely for research purposes (but apparently you don’t like to inform your readers that anonymous really isn’t anonymous).... Quite a lot of information I gathered, so thank you ☺
    But just so you know none of it was a direct attack on you but more for people like you -- traditionalist, Christian viewpoints when it comes to controversial topics such as rights, abortion, homosexuality, birther issue, etc who base their beliefs solely off of their religion ( referring to the similar effects Islam has had on our nation and others by believing those who believe in the Quran or fucking terrorists or out to destroy the world. So don’t take any of it personal.

  16. Nothing on the internet is ever anonymous.

    I do not authorize you to use any of the information in my blog or about my family for your school paper. If that is a true story, though I'm not so sure. You've proven yourself to be a big fat liar and I don't believe a word you say. You may not exploit my family for your college class. Find a different topic. Leave us alone.

  17. Kimmie:

    I'm curious (given the names you gave regarding daughters' in the Bible) on how you decided to give your children the names you did. I don't think my husband and I could decide on ONE female name we like if we had a baby girl put on our doorstep, LOL! Would love to hear the girls' birth stories, too!


  18. Mindy,

    When I was a teenager I liked a country singer, Garth Brooks, he named his daughter August and I always liked that name. Kiley's name was chosen by her father. Haley, is my step-daughter (her sweet mommy passed away. Her mom named her so I can take no credit for her beautiful name. Emily and Julia were the 2 names that my husband and and I could agree on and have no special significance except that we like them. Each of the girls (including Haley) have a middle name after someone else, either a family member or a very close life long friend.
