Thursday, December 2, 2010

Wait....Where did November go?

My nephews and 2 of my daughters on Thanksgiving

November just flew right on by. I haven't even had time to sit down and write a proper blog post.

We've had so many things going on........

My oldest twins celebrated their 12th birthdays earlier in the month. It's amazing to me how much different they are than I was at 12. I don't really tell them much about those years but of the few things I have said, they told me I sounded mean and needed a spanking. They are right. I told them I was such a brat I made sure they were not. They have completely different personalities than I did though. They really desire to never do the wrong thing. They would rather just avoid it all together then have to deal with a punishment. I on the other hand, was the queen of sneaking and hoping I wouldn't get caught. I am grateful to God for his grace in the children he has given me. They are such wonderful sweet girls and I surely don't deserve them.

We celebrated Thanksgiving at my In-laws house. This is our usual tradition. They don't live too far but we like to spend a few days there and enjoy the family and the out of towners. Thanksgiving was wonderful as always. I love large family gatherings. I also love my husbands family. Adam spent most of the day outside frying 3 turkeys. They sure were good. We usually fry a couple and cut them up and freeze them. It's great lunch meat.

For the last 11 years I've been one of those crazy early morning Black Friday shoppers, but for some reason this year I just wasn't feeling it. My friend and I have gone together every year and usually we have a big plan and shop till we drop and then have breakfast and go home to sleep. Maybe it was the lack of money for gifts this year since we are buying a house, but none of the sales seemed very exciting. We did however go to Toys R Us at 10pm on Thanksgiving night. My 3 older girls all wanted to buy something with their money they have been saving. My mom and my usual Black Friday shopping friend also came. It was very cold waiting in line outside, and the inside of the store was complete madness. Of all the years I've gone shopping I think this was by far the worst I've seen. I've never seen the chaos that they report on the news about fights and tramplings, though I believe it. As we were waiting in line in the store (for nearly 2 hours) there were people arguing about who was in line first and how long they had already been waiting. Those behind us were complaining about how crowded and slow it was. This is annoying...It's not a regular shopping trip, and part of getting that item so cheap is waiting for hours to pay for it in the crowded hot store. The girls each got what they were wanting so that made it worth it.

My mom had a birthday right after Thanksgiving. She came out to our house and spent the day being lazy with us. We lounged around and watched a couple old movies, Anne Frank and I can't remember the other. I made dinner and Adam snuck out to get her a cake. It was a nice day. I made her an case for her flat iron so she can travel with it without wrapping it in a towel. I used this website for the instructions. It came out cute. I don't have a picture. =( sorry.

A few days before Thanksgiving we found out that we  had an offer accepted on a house. After putting in 6 or so offers we were getting discouraged. Actually, the house we got had 5 offers already on it when we put ours in. Basically the realtor told our realtor that they could show it but, it really wasn't necessary since they already had 4 cash and 1 conventional offer. We wanted to see it anyway. Of course we really liked it. It had everything we were looking for. We went ahead and submitted an offer despite the other agents comments. Lo and behold, they called us the next day and said they liked our offer. Yay! I couldn't believe it. Then again I kept telling Adam, when the right house came along it wouldn't matter about how many offers there were. All in Gods timing, not ours. It's now set to close right before Christmas. We will have to do a little work to it before we move in so we will be here in the little mobile home for about 6 to 8 more weeks. The kids are elated that they are getting a back yard. My husband is elated about his new garage and I'm just glad it's bigger than 900sq ft. Actually the kitchen has been remodeled and there are nice new cabinets and counters and I'm very excited that it's large enough to have more than 2 people in it.

Yesterday Adam got my tiny Christmas tree out of a box so I could decorate for Christmas. We are keeping all of our decor packed this year. The little tree looks so cute. I got a pack of ornaments at the dollar store it took very little time to decorate but it looks nice.
I also attempted my 2nd year to make turkey soup from the left over carcass, legs and wings. Last  years was a total flop. It was really not good. This year I  used this recipe and it was REALLY REALLY GOOD. I actually can't believe how yummy it was.

My brother in law who has been in Afghanistan is now on his way back home safely. Thank God! He and my sister are expecting their first baby in early April. I can't imagine how stressful it must be to be pregnant and have your husband over seas.

That's all for now. Have a fantastic week.

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