Sunday, September 5, 2010

Sacramento Church Visit

This morning we got up a tad bit earlier and made the long drive out to Sacramento, CA to attend the very first church service at Verity Baptist Church with Pastor Roger Jimenez.  I attended Jr. High and High School with Pastor Jimenez's sister. She and I reconnected a couple of years ago. She, along with Pastor Jimenez's wife invited us to come out for their first service. It was a delightful service. The piano playing was amazing (GO MICHAL!), the hymns were lovely and the preaching was GREAT!

It really was a huge blessing to be able to go. It was so nice to meet Mrs. Jimenez in person. We've only typed messages to each other on blogs. She was such a fun and nice lady. They had a super yummy BBQ afterward and all of my girls had fun playing with the other children. I was also excited to have been able to meet some of the members from Pastor Anderson's church, Faithful Word Baptist Church. I live much too far away to attend Verity Baptist regularly but I can't wait to go back to visit again.

1 comment:

  1. How nice that you were able to go! Thank you for making the drive!
