Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Still here

It's been busy around here. I haven't had much time for blogging. I've been trying to limit my computer time. I find I can spend way too much time online and before I realize it I've let go a bunch of my responsibilities. So, I do most of my email and Facebook checking from my phone.

We've had quite a bit going on. Our pastor bought a new house and we've been over there a lot helping to clean, and the men are building 2 bathrooms. It only came with 1. Adam has been going over there a lot after work to help with the plans and building. He is sort of the project manager, and some of the men work all day doing the stuff he told them to. Like all DIY projects, it's taking longer and costing more than Pastor figured. That's life I guess. Hopefully they will be all finished in the next 2 weeks, so us ladies can get over there and really clean for them to move in.

I've been placed in charge of the youth table at our church's upcoming rummage sale. The youth of the church are going to be selling baked goods, coffee and water to earn money to go to the National Youth Conference next year. It's about $150 per kid and some of the families at our church have several children who can go. Just for us it would be $300 for the two oldest to go. They are also collecting recycling to earn money. It was all my idea, so I'm sure that's why they are putting me in charge. I think it will be fun, I love the teenagers at our church.

I'm still doing my declutter mission and am ready to post on that. I've got about half the house done and I'm loving the lack of stuff everywhere. We are enjoying our last few weeks of summer before we start school again. It's been hot and the girls have been doing a lot of  swimming.

I had my birthday last week and hit the big 31. We celebrated at the A's game. My brother in law shares the same birthday as I do, so the whole family went to the game and we tailgated first. The A's won. Yay! Later that evening, my husband let me relax in the hot tub and he and the girls cooked me dinner followed by homemade cookie ice cream sandwiches. It was a blissful wonderful day. I love my family. My mom had another birthday get together for cake and ice cream this last Sunday afternoon. That was very nice and relaxing.

For those of you inclined to prayer, our family needs it. We have a few members who have ran across some bad health problems. I can't explain at the moment. Some people haven't been told about it yet and I'd hate to be the one to spill the beans. Just send some prayers our way.

Yesterday the girls and I met up with my friend and her little girl, she also had her friend and little boy come along. We met at the water park and had a picnic. It ended up being really windy and kind of chilly so our day was cut short. It was a lot of fun to hang out with my friend, it's been a while since I've seen her.

Scary stuff last night, as we were all sitting in the hot tub. Emily started pointing at August laughing and saying "you have a spider on your head" we thought she was joking because of the way she was giggling. Either that or it was a tiny bug or something. August got annoyed with her sister and said "Mom, is there a spider on my head?" I turned to look and TO MY HORROR I LOUDLY GASPED. Adam turned and looked too,  there was a giant Black Widow Spider on her head. I've never seen one so big, or on a human. He flew across the hot tub and tried to flick it, and it just stuck on. Then he swatted it and nothing, he was afraid it would get mad and bite her so he tried to swat again, and finally grabbed her head and dunked her under water. When she came back up it was gone, and luckily didn't bite her. It all happened so fast, and we looked around the water and found no spider. He yelled at us all to get out, get out. So we all got out and ran in the house to change and make sure it didn't end up in our clothes or hair. We never did find that spider and have no idea where it went. It still makes me shiver. August never saw the spider and that's probably a good thing. That was the highlight of our week I think.

I am finishing up the decluttering of our kitchen today and hope to blog on it soon. God bless you all.

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