Monday, April 5, 2010

Easter "Resurrection Day"

I have found a friend in Jesus, He's everything to me He's the fairest of ten thousand to my soul.
The Lily of the Valley, in Him alone I see All I need to cleanse and make me fully whole.
In sorrow He's my comfort, in trouble He's my stay He tells me every care on Him to roll He's the Lily of the Valley, the Bright and Morning Star He's the fairest of ten thousand to my soul.

Saturday night we finally got around to dying our eggs. This was a lot of fun for the kids. I am now appreciating that they are older because it made the clean up much easier.

Easter was a very busy day. We woke at 5:30am so we could get to Sunrise Service at 6:30. It was at the park on the hill, so it was very cold. Of course it was nice to be up with our church family at sunrise to bring in the day that the Son rose. Following the service the sweet men of our Church cooked breakfast for all the women and children. This was a nice treat.

Sunrise Service. I wish this picture had turned out better.

Sweet little Emily all bundled up

After our fabulous breakfast, we had our normal Sunday School and regular Sunday Service. Immediately following the children all had an egg hunt. This was madness and lasted only a few minutes. They sure were excited to pile all those eggs in their buckets.

The altar was filled with Easter Lily's. They were purchased by the church members for our loved ones who are no longer with us. We bought one in remembrance of Grandma Mary and one for Haley's Mama.

August, Haley & Kiley

Victory Baptist Children with Pastor

We traveled to Brentwood after church. Our Aunt Karen hosted Easter this year. It was so very nice, it has been a long time since we have been able to see them all. We are blessed to have so much family that we have to split them up between holidays. Auntie Karen's house was such fun. The children had an egg hunt in the rain, and spent the afternoon consumed with blowing bubbles.
We would like to apologize to the family. We realized that we took about 200 pictures of Easter and they were all of our children. I guess we are biased, but I'll have to remember next time to take photos of others too.

Beautiful picture of the grandchildren


running to get those eggs

Miss Julia

Emily blowing bubbles

Adam bought a very nice digital SLR camera for his 30th birthday. I have really not used this camera much. I have recently discovered that it takes the most beautiful photos, and is now my best friend. I am amazed at the beauty of these pictures.

all of the children hunting

Emily and her bubbles

Julia loved the bubbles

Kiley and Oma

Emily and Marilyn

I am not going to kill myself trying to post even amounts of pictures of all of our kids. It's an almost impossible feat. Some days we have more of one than of the others.



I thought this next picture had a funny mirror illusion to it. Is it just me? Or do you see it too?
The fun things you can do with twins.
Julia and Emily

Kiley and August

It was a fun day.

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