Tuesday, May 26, 2009

The Lucky J&S Ranch Annual Memorial Day Weekend Lawn Olympics & Family Reunion (whew)

Last Saturday we took our 3rd annual Memorial Day weekend trip to Litchfield, CA to visit my Mammy and Steve at their ranch. It's about a 5 hour drive for us but well worth it. There are tons of things to do and plenty of room for my children to roam. It's almost like heaven.

We made a pit stop in Reno to visit Cabela's sporting good store. Adam was sure happy about that. Cabela's had all the sporting goods you could think of, along with two huge taxidermy exhibits. They were really neat. There was a huge fish tank/aquarium with tons of huge fish & a pretend shooting gallery. The girls found one of the guns with 40 shots still left on it. Score!

It was so nice to be able to go again this year. There are always such fun things to do. A mini-golf course, volleyball, soccer, badminton and this year a Wii bowling tournament, which I'm pretty sure I won.

My girls loved all of the animals. H aka Dr. Dolittle. There was a small litter of kittens that H charmed. She was able to hold them and pet them, before this they were fraidycats. She is such a pet lover, I think she should be a vet. E and J loved Easy & Juice, the horses. A was right there with H all weekend charming cats. Poor K had a fever all weekend and wasn't feeling well for most of the trip. She would have small bouts when her medicine kicked in where she would feel better but she definately wasn't herself. In fact we are still battling her fever today is our 5th day. I'm hoping it will be gone tomorrow.

It was great to see the family this year. We were missing Aunt Terri & Uncle Dave, and Stacey & Wes so that made it a little sad. This trip seemed to go by faster than usual, we were definately not ready to go home. I'm hoping to try and make it up again before the summer is over. We'll see. Once a year is just not enough.

These kids are ready to roll Adam is tooLets get this show on the road

Adjusting the twisted seatbelt

Detour to Cabela's

This store was so cool

One of the taxidermy exhibits

Cool Cat

This was my favorite

E & J liked it

The 2nd exhibit, there were real fish swimming in the pond
the huge aquarium
Look at the fish

testing fishing reels
shooting gallery
blowing out the smoke

Daddy is a great teacher

all future boyfriends better watch out


K, H & A

......And then out at the Ranch

A & H
Silly girl

 volley soccer
Kasey, Tristan & Christy

Cleaning up the tents & tunnels
E heading up to the barn
The beautiful trees in the front yard
Mammy's house
The Bunkhouse
Eww that horse just sneezed
A petting Juice

The Men Resting

H aka Dr. Dolittle

Of course as always there are a few more pictures I still need from Adam's camera.


  1. Great pictures! It sounds like so much fun....

  2. I love the 'all future boyfriends better watch out!' I'm curious, now that you almost have *gulp* teenagers, how do you plan on handling dating? Are you going to allow unsupervised dates, etc. or are you hoping to follow the courtship style of seeking a spouse?


    (I know your busy, don't feel like you need to get to this right away!)
