Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Valentine's Day with no money.

Lack of money has really taught us to be creative. This year for Valentine's Day, "K" and "A" both made all of their own Valentine's to hand out to their class, 32 each. It was really sweet and very creative.

I usually buy them all kinds of goodies and give them to them in the morning. This year, we are pretty low on money so I decided to just skip the goodies and do nothing. I felt bad about this all day the day before Valentine's Day. After all 5 girls were in bed, I dove into my craft and party boxes. I found cute little paper doily hearts, a pink plastic table cloth, red & pink construction paper and a bunch of cute ribbon. I put the pink table cloth on the table, cut out tons and tons of paper hearts in all different sizes, and scattered them around the table. I kind of got paper heart crazy and started taping them everywhere and even hung some from our light fixture. I made a card for each girl ("K" and "A" making thier own cards gave me the idea for all of this). Adam came home with 5 valentine bags and some candy and two little toys that were given to him. PERFECT!!
When the girls woke up they were so excited and thought it was the best Valentine's day ever.

The finished table

"E" and "J" loved the hearts so much they wanted them all to be on their bedroom door. It's so cute. They brought me the tape and took all the hearts one by one and taped them to the outside of their bedroom door.

"J" with her heart door

"E" and her heart door

I will have to say I thought this was one of the best Valentine's day too. The kids loved it. They had a blast all day with my home made paper hearts. "K" can't remember one thing I've ever given them for Valentine's Day, actually neither can I, but she said she'd never forget this one. It's amazing the "remember when's" you can make with no money and a little love.