Wednesday, November 18, 2009

God ALWAYS Provides.

WARNING: Possible Christmas spoiler in this post. You may want to read without your kiddies around.

7 years ago Santa brought Kiley and August a play kitchen. It was a nice one, but not the one that he was originally going to bring. The much wanted kitchen was wood (particle board), with a stove, oven, microwave, dishwasher, fridge and freezer. It had a real nice 50's look to it. It was beautiful. I ordered it online, and after 3 weeks of waiting, I received an email stating they were sold out and wouldn't get anymore before Christmas. I was so sad. I rushed to Costco, where I knew they also had these, and they too were sold out. I was just devastated, and prayed a silly prayer, "Lord please please make this kitchen available, somehow". I ended up settling for a plastic kitchen. It was cute but just not the same.

Kiley and August loved their kitchen for about 3 years.

Two weeks ago I saw a similar kitchen in the Target Ad on sale for $99.00. It was close to the one I wanted years ago, but smaller. I told Adam, I'm buying this kitchen for the little girls' Santa gift this year. He told me we really can't afford that this year, but he just saw one like that, only bigger that someone was giving away. "REALLY?" Our friend Leslie was getting rid of her daughters old play kitchen.

I called as quick as I could. She said she was ready to destroy it, and couldn't wait to get it out of there. It needed a little work, and some parts replaced, but I could have it. DEAL. She brought the kitchen by last Friday.




IT IS THE EXACT SAME KITCHEN I wanted for Kiley and August years ago!!!

I can't believe it. After a few repairs and some new plexiglass, this wonderful $300 kitchen will cost us only about $30.00.

Praise God!!!

He may not answer our prayers with the timing that we think He should, but He is always on time. Even with things as silly as a play kitchen.

THIS IS THE BEFORE PICTURE. Adam has some work to do on it before Christmas. I already got the new plexiglass. I'm SO excited. GOD IS SO GOOD.

Thursday, November 5, 2009


And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love.
(1 Corinthians 13:13 NIV)